Anyone who knows me knows that I am a ‘connector.’ Maintaining connections with people is an activity that I thoroughly enjoy. I consider my network of friends and associates as one of my most valuable assets.
I also maintain a high level of productivity in whatever I do, be it work or play. I make it a priority to continually improve upon my productivity, focusing on the tasks worth performing, rather than those whose ends are undefined and do not build upon a reasoned purpose.
Being connected and productive is fulfilling and contributes to the rich life I lead. However, the combination requires much work and can be draining of energy.
It is not easy to disconnect and decrease productivity, recharging my batteries, but it is an essential component to being well, so I do it as often as often as I can.
What, in your life, creates stress or is exhausting? Whatever the drain is, step away from it—especially if you have not done so lately. You will be glad you did.
Recharging my batteries usually means travel, the more adventurous the better, ejecting myself from the normal routine—ideally, for at least ten days—resisting all temptations of the norm.
I turn off my PDA and leave behind my PC, shirking work altogether and allowing for total mental recuperation. I seek culture, reading and writing and engaging secondary languages, which, in my case, are Spanish and Portuguese. Physical exertion is a plus, too. I like to be outdoors, preferably riding a bike or taking a hike.
I find that when I return from time away from the norm, my relationships are stronger than before and I am as productive as ever.
I am fortunate in that Accenture, my employer, places a high value on its employees spending time out of the office. The company provides us five weeks of “paid time off,” plus a fair number of holidays throughout the year…an unbeatable perk, of which I take advantage.
I realize that, for a variety of reasons, you may not have access to the same benefit of exiting the grind. I realize that travel might not be your bag. But whatever it is that wears you down, identify it, and then completely step away—even if for a few days. And notice the difference.
Time away for your typical day is energizing and leads to improved health and happiness. You owe it to yourself and others to recharge your batteries.
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